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Sunday, February 15, 2015

An example of how GISS is nothing like the NCDC global data

Feb 1963 NCDC global land land mean + 1.27C compare with GISS

Feb 2014 NCDC global land land mean  + .23C - compare with GISS

GISS makes it look like Feb 1963 was much colder than February 2014.  The NCDC global data shows 1963 much warmer for the global land mean.

The two data analysis differ in some significant ways

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Looking at 2014 and the other warmest years

This graphic shows the three warmest years, against the highest records, which is a combined figure, using each months warmest anomaly.
Note that for Dec-Jan-Feb and even March the warmest month is not for those three record years.  In fact, for 2014 and 2005 February is very low.   2010 shows a very cool December. 

This is not some obscure point, 2014 is cliamed to be the warmest year on record, yet shows a very cold February anomaly, which matches the trend, globally, of February cooling since 1998 (warmest February anomaly ever)

Here are the GISS global charts for December



Here are the same graphs using just the NH land anomalies.





February, for both the GISS global mean, as well as the NH mean, shows cooling, which is the exact opposite of what global warming theory predicts, based on an enhanced greenhouse effect.

That this shows up clearly, even with the warmest years, is an important issue, the reason for new theories about how climate is changing.

When Trenberth's claim about extreme weather is a result of  a generally warmer and moister atmosphere is used to explain the much colder winters, and the extreme amounts of snow, it's complete nonsense.  Because the NH winter atmosphere is not warmer.  The data clearly shows this.