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Monday, December 30, 2024

10 years later ClimateCentral post update

 Back in 2014 I noticed ClimateCentral was publishing false information about winter warming in the United States

I noted the same thing going on here March 2024

Back in 2014 I didn't have direct access to the GHCN stations, so I used the NCDC data.  Using the actual weather data (unaltered) the ClimateCentral "data" looks even worse.  No doubt because they are using the  altered data and then altering it even more, or just cherry picking non-climate stations to push thier narrative.

In any case, it's an absurd situation.

In case you don't know, the reason "winters are warming faster" is an important matter, is because of the global warming theory.  It's a key prediction of the theory.

If winters are actually cooling, while the other seasons are warming, it can't be due to global warming.