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Monday, December 28, 2015

How tries to deceive you about climate change/global warming

Just saw this website today, an alarmists posted a graph from it, showing how much warmer the US has become.  I looked at a few graphs, which it generates, to show you how much your area has warmed.  Would be a great tool, but it only starts from 1970.  Lets see why.
That looks frightening.  Until you check the actual data, and the adjusted data.

NCDC data
NCDC data source

100 year trend show the real story.  Even when the data was adjusted to cool the past.

NCDC adjusted data

February really shows the problem with trying to frighten people there with "how much warmer it has become".

Looks dangerous, how fast winter night time lows are rising.  Until you look at all the data.

Funny how they start the data at 1970, isn't it?

But summer have warmed there, right?  wxshift certainly tells you so.

Lets see if we can show all the data instead.  The brutal summer warming in Alabama, from wxshift.
And, a bigger look at the data for Alabama.

Even with the data adjusted to cool the warmest period, we can see why wxshift is deceptive.

Real science doesn't try to deceive you, nor would an actual scientific person not show all the relevant information.  Science is about discovering what really is going on, and why.  Not trying to sway you or deceive you. for when you want to try and deceive somebody.

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